World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser
February 2025
Until all boxes are sold!
Box Check-Out
You can only check out one box at a time.
Ask a director before school or during AllTimely to check out a box.
Do not grab a box without a director.
Make sure your box and envelope are labeled with a number. Put your name on both (first, last)
Take care of it. Clean, dry, unbroken. Store in a cool place. Do not leave in cars.
60 bars x $1 each = $60. The box of chocolate costs $37. You can earn $27 for your IE account to pay off dues.
Collect money immediately. No “I’ll get you tomorrow”s.
Secure the money in the envelope inside of the box.
Once $60 has been collected (cash only, no coins or checks), seal the envelope, fill out the label (including box #) and turn into the Black Box.
Coins don’t fit in the Black Box.
Be polite and respectful. Smile. Explain why you are selling.
Ask family members, neighbors, friends, and parent coworkers.
We are not supposed to sell on campus.
Communicate to your parents that you are participating and if you go anywhere to sell.