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Walnut Creek

By volunteering to work at the Walnut Creek concert venue as part of the WJHS BPA crew, you will have the opportunity to meet other band parents, witness the excitement of live music, learn the art of keeping up with multiple orders and pouring the perfect draft, meet other parents from other organizations that are working for their kids as well, and learn the inner workings of a catering facility. 


Best of all, you will be earning money toward your student's Incidental Expense (IE) account without taking money out of your personal bank account.  Walnut Creek is a great earning opportunity AND it’s a lot of fun!

See the bottom of the page for a Parent Testimonial!

WJHS BPA is contracted with Walnut Creek to man a concession stand as a fundraising organization.  We rely on this stand as an organization, as it brings in thousands of dollars a year to our Band Program.  In order to maintain our contractual obligations, it is important that we meet our obligation to staff the stand every year.  

A percentage of the stand earnings is allocated to the WJHS BPA; the earnings from each event are then divvied up amongst the workers of that particular event based on the hours each person worked.  Each worker's earnings are accrued by the BPA Treasurer and Financial Secretary and are then credited to your student's IE account.


Note:  Must be at least 16 years old to volunteer. 


Scheduling your volunteer hours at Walnut Creek is done through an online system. The WJHS Walnut Creek Calendar is available at under the Walnut Creek tab. You will need an account to accurately track events you have volunteered to work. Available dates for the type of event selected will be in BOLD. Select the date, then click on the available time.


Teams Alcohol Training must be attended IN PERSON, scheduled by Walnut Creek. Teenagers are not permitted to touch alcohol at any time for any reason.


All volunteers must wear black shorts/pants at an appropriate length that are professional. No cutoffs, daisy dukes, stretchy/yoga pants, sweatpants, or anything with stripes or patterns. Red Shirts are provided by Walnut Creek that must be worn and returned at the end of the event. Failure to do so will result in a personal fine from Walnut Creek, which will be recouped from your IE account.

Walnut Creek is a great way to meet other parents and get to know them. There is a sense of camaraderie that develops in the group.  We have a lot of fun and you will feel like you are in high school again, working the local fast food hangout; all the while, you will be earning money toward your/your student's IE account, without taking money out of your personal bank account.


Click the blue buttons on the page for more information. Please email for more information or with any questions that you have.

Parent Testimonial

From the Ecenrode Family

"Walnut Creek has been a big part of my ability to use my time as a volunteer to help fund my daughter’s marching band fees. She loves her friends and the family atmosphere. We like the friendly staff that work for both venues, and will be a part of the WJMB volunteer group as long as she wants to be in the marching band."

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